Christoph Vandreier, der stellvertretende Vorsitzende der Sozialistischen Gleichheitspartei (SGP), spricht am 100. Jahrestag zur Ermordung von Karl Liebknecht und Rosa Luxemburg am Landwehrkanal in Berlin. Er geht auf die historische Bedeutung sowohl des Mordes als auch der beiden großen Revolutionäre ein.
UK journalist Asa Winstanley raided by police over Israel-Palestine reporting
The raid is another act of blatant political harassment by the British state, aimed at intimidating a prominent reporter and opponent of Israel’s oppression of the Palestinians.
Thomas Scripps•
Premiere in Berlin of a new documentary–Julian Assange and the Dark Secrets of War
The most telling episodes of the film include the testimony of Ethan McCord who relates that witnessing the savagery of the American military on that day in Iraq had changed his life forever.
Stefan Steinberg•
Julian Assange delivers first speech since release from UK prison: “I pleaded guilty to journalism”
Assange told the parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe: “I am not free today because the system worked, I am free today after years of incarceration because I pled guilty to journalism.”
Laura Tiernan•
Australian spooks and their media mouthpieces bemoan Assange’s freedom
The complaints have a pathetic character to them, but also underscore the fact that the assault on democratic rights associated with the persecution of Assange persists and deepens.
Oscar Grenfell•
Oscar Grenfell•
Oscar Grenfell•
Statement of the World Socialist Web Site editorial board•
Oscar Grenfell•
Thomas Scripps•