Unter dem Titel „Stoppt die Schulöffnungen! Bereitet einen Generalstreik vor!“ fand am Sonntag eine gemeinsame Veranstaltung der Sozialistischen Gleichheitspartei (SGP) und der International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE) zur Corona-Krise statt. Die internationalen Sprecher diskutierten eine sozialistische Perspektive gegen die gefährliche Öffnungspolitik und riefen zur Bildung von Aktionskomitees auf.
US-backed Pacific Policing Initiative directed against China
While seeking to lock China out of the Pacific, the Australian-led operation establishes a rapid deployment force for police-military interventions against unrest in the region.
John Braddock•
Impoverished countries ask world court to rule on climate change disaster
As the hearings closed for the largest ICJ case in history, the major capitalist powers displayed their indifference to the impact of climate change on impoverished countries.
Mark Wilson•
Solomon Islands and Vanuatu PMs visit Beijing amid escalating Pacific tensions
Intensifying diplomatic manoeuvring involving strategically placed Pacific states portends vast preparations for looming wars and police-state repression across the region.
John Braddock•
Australia to train specialized Pacific police intervention force
The Canberra-led, anti-China policing initiative is being launched as a new wave of popular unrest is exploding across the Pacific.
John Braddock•
Patrick O’Connor•
Patrick O’Connor•
John Braddock•
Patrick O’Connor•
Patrick O’Connor•