Der Spitzenkandidat der SGP, Christoph Vandreier, spricht mit David North über das Debakel in Afghanistan und was es für den Kampf gegen Militarismus bedeutet. North ist Chefredakteur der World Socialist Web Site und Autor zahlreicher Bücher, darunter das Buch '30 Jahre Krieg', das die Kriege des US-Imperialismus analysiert und die Perspektive einer internationalen Bewegung der Arbeiter gegen Krieg entwickelt.
Educators Rank-and-File Committee and the International Youth and Students for Social Equality hold joint meeting demanding release of Mahmoud Khalil and defense of public education
Meeting of the Educators Rank and File Committee (ERFC) and the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE) convened to address the urgent crisis in public education and democratic rights under the Trump administration, featuring reports on these attacks and a concluding resolution that called for the formation of independent rank and file committees to unite workers and students in resistance.
Increasing violence in Australian public schools
Studies highlight a growing and alarming trend, reflecting deeper economic, social and political issues.
Trump regime demands Australian universities end “anti-US” and “socialist” links
The five-page questionnaire, which appears to be a global notice, essentially demands that all research serve US military and strategic interests.
Trump’s school voucher plan: A billion-dollar tax shelter for the ruling elites
This scheme is a backdoor maneuver to privatize education while allowing corporations and wealthy individuals to avoid taxation.