In der vergangenen Woche fanden an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum und an der Humboldt-Universität Berlin Kundgebungen der International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE) und anderer Hochschulgruppen gegen den Genozid in Gaza statt. Wir dokumentieren hier die Reden des stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden der Sozialistischen Gleichheitspartei (SGP), Dietmar Gaisenkersting, und vom IYSSE-Sprecher Gregor Kahl. Mehr Informationen zu unserer Kampagne gegen den Genozid finden sich hier.
The Democrats’ Enabling Act: Senate votes to fund Trump’s dictatorship
Given the opportunity to cut off funding for the government, the Democrats instead ensured that Trump's administration remained fully operational.
Joseph Kishore•
Help the WSWS mobilize opposition to Trump’s dictatorship!
Your financial support is vital to ensure that the WSWS can continue its uncompromising reporting, in-depth analysis and the broadest possible mobilization of opposition.
David North•
Mobilize the working class to fight Trump’s destruction of the Department of Education!
The fight against Trump’s bid for dictatorship must be combined with a fight to free the working class from the grip of the corrupt union officials and the Democratic Party, who are complicit in Trump’s attacks on the working class.
Tom Hall•
5 years of the COVID-19 pandemic: The origins of a social catastrophe
The COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare the incapacity of capitalism to deal with the problems of mass society, and that this social system is in an advanced state of regression.
Evan Blake•
WSWS Editorial Board•
Nancy Hanover•
Chris Marsden, Thomas Scripps•
Socialist Equality Party (US)•
Jacob Crosse, Andre Damon•