Build rank-and-file committees!

The World Socialist Web Site and the Socialist Equality Parties are assisting workers everywhere in the building of an interconnected network of rank-and-file committees, to organize a united counter-offensive against inequality, exploitation, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and the rapidly escalating imperialist world war.

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Join a rank-and-file committee!

There are now rank-and-file committees of autoworkers, educators, Amazon and logistics workers, postal workers, bus drivers, and many other sections of the working class.

Rank-and-file committees are of, by and for the rank-and-file workers, who have a different set of interests than management, the bosses, the politicians, and the trade union apparatus, who oppress workers in order to defend the profits of the ruling elite.

Contact us now to join a committee. If there is not already a committee in your workplace, industry or region, we will help you start one!

East Coast dockworkers: Unite with Boeing workers to build a movement of the working class! Build rank-and-file committees to take control out of the hands of ILA bureaucrats!

Dockworkers have immense power, but the question is how to use it. Establishing lines of communication with workers in other strategic industries, they must build their struggle into a broad counteroffensive by the working class against worsening conditions and automation-driven layoffs.

International Workers Alliance of Rank-and-File Committees

No to wrist-slap fines for workplace deaths! Reject the National Steel Car/United Steelworkers-backed settlement for Quoc Le’s death!

The USW maintains we should leave the decisions to the courts where, apparently, major issues can be hashed out in an “independent legal forum.” The decision in the Quoc Le case, which culminates a sad nearly 4-year saga, has blown this “theory” out of the water and exposed the consequences of the USW’s efforts to subordinate our struggle to pro-employer state institutions.

National Steel Car Rank-and-File Committee

National 24-hour stoppage by Greek rail workers to demand more staff and improved safety; protests continue in Iran by workers and pensioners over decline in living standards; teachers around Abuja in Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria on indefinite pay strike

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

Rail workers in Greece in 24-hour national walkout to demand more staff and safety measures in wake of fatal rail crash and near miss; workers and pensioners continue protests across Iran over decline in living standards as NATO military attack grows imminent; teachers in and around capital Abuja, Nigeria on indefinite strike to demand 25 months’ pay arrears

Boeing machinist denounces company’s “Best and Final” offer

IAM negotiators, Boeing and the federal mediator will be meeting this Friday, no doubt seeking to avoid a situation in which Boeing machinists and East Coast dockworkers, who might strike as early as next Tuesday, are out at the same time.

Bryan Dyne

East Coast dockworkers: Unite with Boeing workers to build a movement of the working class! Build rank-and-file committees to take control out of the hands of ILA bureaucrats!

Dockworkers have immense power, but the question is how to use it. Establishing lines of communication with workers in other strategic industries, they must build their struggle into a broad counteroffensive by the working class against worsening conditions and automation-driven layoffs.

International Workers Alliance of Rank-and-File Committees
The pandemic must be ended!