Today, October 22, 2021, parents, teachers and workers in countries around the world are once again supporting the call from UK parent Lisa Diaz for a one day school strike to fight against the deadly reopening of schools as the COVID-19 pandemic rages.
Join the global online picket line by sending your message of solidarity on Twitter using hashtag #SchoolStrike2021 and tag the World Socialist Web Site (@WSWS_Updates). We’ll collect the best statements here.
Visit the last online picket line, held on October 15, here and the first one, held on October 1, here.
UK parent Lisa Diaz calls for weekly school strikes: “We need to resist... this government will only understand actions”

Socialist Equality Party (US) National Secretary Joseph Kishore: “There is a social force emerging that provides the objective foundation for a different policy: The international working class”

WSWS writer and SEP (US) member Evan Blake: “We must be armed with a scientific understanding of COVID-19 and the measures necessary to stop viral transmission once and for all”

James Vega, educator in Detroit, Michigan: “The school conditions in Michigan are horrible... it’s not safe to go back into the buildings even if we have mitigation measures”

IYSSE member Andy Thompson: “By putting forward a scientific program and plan, and by mobilizing the world working class to make it happen, there’s nothing we can’t achieve”

Message from Lisa Diaz on the 3rd #SchoolStrike2021

Gregor Link of the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE) in Germany: “It is now up to the working class and youth to take up the fight for safe education”

Raphaëlle Lapôtre, a parent in France

Charlie, father of three, taking part in school strike: “Children are dying; children are being hospitalised”

UK parent to Boris Johnson: “People are suffering at the moment, and you’re ignoring it”

Social care worker Steve James: “No level of infection should be accepted as safe in schools or any other workplace”

Darren, a social sciences student in Scotland, supports SchoolStrike2021

German parent: “Children have rights and must not be forced to be infected”

The tweet states: “#Schoolstrike2021 is happening today. Children have rights and must not be forced to become infected by a disease that can severely harm them.”
Bus driver Andy Niklaus supports school strike

April May, “facing prosecution for protecting my child”

Malcolm: “I fear for the safety of my grandchildren... As a former miner who went through the 84-85 strike, I have some experience standing up to vindictive governments”

Lucy Garrard: “Children are getting ill and dying. The NHS is overwhelmed”

“It isn’t morally or legally acceptable for our children ... to be exposed to increased risk of infection”

A compilation of the World Socialist Web Site's coverage of this global crisis, available in epub and print formats.
German students support school strike
The WSWS has received statements of support for the school strike from students in Germany.
Laura, a college student in central Germany, stated, “Especially in a global pandemic, we need to organize internationally. The dangers and effects of COVID-19 are known to us after more than 1 ½ years and they do not worry us less. Now, we face another harsh winter with high infection rates. We cannot let this become routine every year, the virus must finally be eliminated worldwide!”
Tamino said, “Like many others around the world, I support the third school strike for safe education. Even though there has been a positive Covid case in our class, classes are continuing at full capacity. In Germany last week, the number of infections exploded with a 7-day incidence increase from 66 to 86. At the same time, all protective measures are being cut back and Health Minister Spahn is even calling for an end to the ‘epidemic situation.’ Students, teachers and parents must therefore fight for a policy of global elimination of the virus to really end the pandemic.”
Joshua, from Bavaria: “I stand in solidarity with Strikers in the UK. For weeks, parents, young people and teachers have been on strike to protest against the murderous contamination. Incidences and new infections are also rising rapidly in Germany. The total incidence in Germany is about 95 and in some states even close to 200. None of the established parties or their partners in the unions lifts a finger to protect the population. Children under the age of 12 cannot be vaccinated and are therefore defenceless against the pandemic. Only we parents, children and teachers can do something about it, and independently of the ruling class lackeys, together with the international working class. Therefore, I call on everyone to support the strike and to participate ourselves!”
Florian, from southern Germany: “I support the third international school strike! As winter approaches, the number of infections among children and adolescents is rising again here in Germany. At the same time, however, basic protective measures such as mask wearing are being abolished, and this under conditions where children under the age of 12 are not yet vaccinated. The elimination of the virus is never talked about in the media, even though it would save many thousands of lives. Together with scientists, students and workers must now fight for the global elimination of the virus. That’s another reason I support the WSWS online meeting on Sunday, on how to end the pandemic.”
Jude supports school strike and October 24 WSWS webinar

WSWS writer Robert Campion: “Solidarity with the SafeEdForAll school strike”

Ben Hughes: “We should’ve already vaccinated most of the school children in Britain, which has not happened”

Parents are posting school uniforms to show their support for the strike

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